Sunday, October 12, 2008

Free Write- My Rant

Personally, I'm ready for some relief from the constant struggle, strife, and reality they we keep constantly reading about. Where is my happy ending, or even happy story. I'm sorry if I don't want to submerge myself into another book that "means" something but makes me cry, yell, scream, think, etc! I want the princess to end up with the prince or at least not end up in an asylum. I'm also looking for a girl, not a sociopath, who is strong and reliant and not pathetic. Is that too much to ask?

It's not that I haven't enjoyed (enjoyed might be an exaggeration) reading these books. I've learned so much from them, they just are completely different from my normal reading- and believe me, I DO READ. I am a strict believer in the beauty of fiction (mostly romance and magic). I like to escape when I read and maybe I do live vicariously through the characters of my books, but at least it's safer. No heartbreak and no death, just adventure and the thrill of the unknown with the inevitable happy ending I seek.

I know fiction and "Happily Ever After" is unrealistic, but that's its beauty. The hope of what could be with a fulfilling immediate relief. Reading is every one's way of achieving any dream they can imagine... you get to be any character from any book and live their story.

This is my rant- this is my wish. Give me an happy ending or give me death!!!! (hahaha)


Anonymous said...

Lol - well, Atonement won't give us that... but maybe we'll have something coming up soon that will be a bit different.

SGraham32 said...

haha, i know- it will give us the exact opposite! ugh